Aerospace & Defense

A new administration has brought a new energy to the aerospace & defense sector, and consequently an increase in business valuations. There are, however, winners and losers in this improved environment, with the winners best able to understand and implement the key drivers of value that make their businesses highly attractive to the capital markets. SSK principals are able to help business owners maximize these value drivers and present them to their best advantage. So, whether the goal is a sale, a capital raise, or an acquisition, SSK helps clients make the most of their assets.

Business & Financial Services

In financial services, sustained low interest rates continue to compress lending margins at banks, leading to continued interest in other revenue opportunities. This creates multiple opportunities for businesses to grow by acquisition, and also for owners of financial services companies to reap top dollar for their businesses. SSK professionals are able to use their deep network among financial services companies to help clients achieve their goals, whether that is acquiring, selling, or raising capital.

Cybersecurity, Technology, MSP

The First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanize production. The Second used electric power to create mass production. The Third used electronics and information technology to automate production. Now a Fourth Industrial Revolution is building on the Third, characterized by a fusion of technologies that blur the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. AI, SaaS, cryptocurrency & distributed ledger technology, cybersecurity, and managed services are all part of this transformation. SSK maintains longstanding relationships with the companies and funds that invest in this sector and is perfectly positioned to help clients achieve their goals.


Regardless of the dramatic changes we’ve seen in manufacturing over the last century, the U.S. manufacturing sector remains among the world’s largest, producing over $2 trillion in output and employing over 10 million workers. Low energy costs and increasing technological complexity favor the U.S. over low wage countries, leading to a solid outlook for the future. SSK professionals help clients focus on where value is created in the manufacturing and distribution process, and enable them to capture this value in business acquisitions and divestitures.

Live with confidence

Banish the uncertainty of selling your business by hiring experienced professionals. We will help you keep control of the process and get the full value of your business. Whether you are ready to start a new business, or finally get more time with loved ones, SSK Capital can help you move on to the next chapter.